Customized Google Keep Headers – A Free Resource

Customized Google Keep Headers – A Free Resource

This is not my original idea, but based on a Twitter Post from @mrs_janusz, and other techie people, I created my own template to share with anybody who would like to customize their own Google Keep Headers, similar to what you

Teachers Supporting Teachers – A Google Innovator Project

Teachers Supporting Teachers – A Google Innovator Project

During my 25 years of teaching in the math classroom, I’ve found that experienced teachers face unique challenges and are sometimes left feeling under-appreciated and unsupported. During the spring of 2018, I was accepted into the Google Innovator Academy and

Would you like to become a Google Certified Educator?

Would you like to become a Google Certified Educator?

I am very proud to be the Google for Education Certified Trainer for a series of Google Boot Camps this summer taking place in the heart of Los Angeles (see below for info). Last summer I had the honor of

5 Tips for Parents – Cyber Safety: How do we teach our students to be safe, informed, and good digital citizens?

5 Tips for Parents – Cyber Safety:  How do we teach our students to be safe, informed, and good digital citizens?

  Cyber Safety Resources Link to this page: You can hire me to come speak to your parents, students, or teachers. Contact me here:  Contact Form Handouts: Cell Phone Contract How to Set Content Restrictions on your iPhone or iPad

How I Spent My Winter Break – Becoming a Google Certified Trainer

How I Spent My Winter Break – Becoming a Google Certified Trainer

I did get a chance to enjoy my winter break, but I also spent a nice portion of it completing my Google for Education Certified Trainer application. I finished it and I feel proud and accomplished. There are various parts

“Teacher, I Googled You” – An Opportunity for a Lesson in Digital Citizenship

“Teacher, I Googled You” – An Opportunity for a Lesson in Digital Citizenship

Yesterday a student said to me “Teacher, I Googled You” and my reply to him was “Good. I’m proud of every single result that comes up. What did you learn about me?” I always use these moments as an opportunity

A Very Cool Pi Day Activity that Does NOT Involve Measuring Circles

A Very Cool Pi Day Activity that Does NOT Involve Measuring Circles

Buffon’s Needle Experiment –  Last year I was looking for an activity to celebrate Pi Day with my students, but I did not want to fall back on the old standby of measuring the circumference and diameter of different circles.

My Favorite Chrome Extension (March 2016): Momentum

My Favorite Chrome Extension (March 2016):  Momentum

It started with trying to hide the default new tab page in the Chrome browser.  All I wanted to do was hide my most visited pages (the typical school stuff, but not very interesting) and maybe have something a little more aesthetically